Well, same as last year.... it's gone from cool and wet, wet, wet to blazin' hot, and no rain in sight. This is exactly what happened last summer... and we didn't get ANY rain for 3 months. I am dreading that happening again. Especially with all the garden beds I've got going now! I am investing in some hay bales, and covering many of the gardens with it, to help keep the moisture in for longer. Whatever I can do!
Shares are going well. I harvested my first snap peas this last week. OMG, are they delicious! I made a stir fry with them and one of my home-grown chickens last night. Best stir fry EVER;-) Not sure why, but what you grow yourself is so much more satisfying than just buying it in the store. Seems like a bit of a cop-out these days!
It is almost 9:30 at night, and I've just come inside from working in the yard and gardens all day. Watering, planting more tomatoes and peppers. I've also just started my kale and kohlrabi seeds in 6 packs, for transplanting as soon as I get some more garden beds made. I fill them as fast as I make 'em, and I never have enough, it seems.
My meat birds ended up being a disaster. I had ordered Cornish Crosses, which are ready in 8-12 weeks, and had booked them into the processor at 10 weeks. The stupid hatchery sent me 'broilers' which are ready in 6 weeks. They really should have let me know. They started dying on me, they grow TOO fast, and their hearts give out... I tried to make an earlier appointment at the processor, and could only get them in 1 week earlier than planned. The end of the story is that out of 75 birds, I ended up with 21. I had presold 51, and am trying to figure out who gets what. It is so depressing, I am having a hard time dealing with the whole situation, so of course, I am procrastinating. True to form! Now I am trying to find a new, more reliable supplier.
Oh, and on the poultry note... I am getting more turkeys on Tuesday. DON'T ASK ME WHY! I hated the damn things! I have been promised by a friend that she will come over to help clip their wings, so I don't have to worry about them flying all over the neighbourhood this time. This is their last chance! I am not going to sell any... I am just growing them for my own freezer at this point.
Dog boarding is still bloomin' busy. This is by far the longest busy stretch I have had. I am exhausted. I am NOT going to complain... I am finally getting caught up on all my bills! I've also raised my mortgage amount by about $25 a week. Doesn't sound like much, but it will take over 2 full years off my term! Maybe I will be able to retire before I am old and doddering.
Better head to bed... up with the dawn these days!
Happy New Year!
2 months ago