I have been going gangbusters on the farm here since my last post. Things are finally getting busy again! Dog boarding has picked up, the gardens look AMAZING - I am quite proud of them! My biggest challenge is getting water on everything. We haven't had any significant rain for over 8 weeks, and the well is getting very sad. My #1 priority this winter will be to find and set up at least one or two big cisterns - 2000 gallon or so. I can't even think of expanding the garden until and unless this gets done.
I've been going to the Chemainus Farmers market every week. I don't have a lot to sell, but I almost sell out every time! I even have regulars that visit me every week, and I've had lots of great comments about my salad mix. I haven't had salad mix the last couple of weeks, due to it turning bitter with all the heat, and I've had so many disappointed people! I have been starting lots and lots of winter veggies, and plan to grow lots and lots of salad mix!! I am also going to start going to the big Duncan Market soon - I have more and more available in the gardens, and think I can finally fill a table there. The cool thing is that the DM goes all winter. Yes, you have to sit outside and freeze your buns off, but all the vendors that go say it is worth it. It will be nice to have that outlet to sell lots of salad mix:-)
I am starting to put in hoop houses, too. It is taking me a long time, as I have just soooooo much to do, with planting and harvesting and taking care of dogs. My first little one is almost done, I will just have to get plastic on it in Sept.
Things are starting to look up....
Happy New Year!
2 months ago