Another torrential rainy week! We had a brief break this morning, and I got busy outside. You have to get these things done when you get a break, or nothing would ever get done! I am really pleased with what I did this morning. I built 3 more garden beds, filled one with manure and soil, and rescued a stupid turkey again. The turkeys go in next week... if I can catch them....
I now have 30 garden beds done- but 27 ready to go for the spring. The only hold up is gathering enough manure and compost to fill them with. Regardless, I am super happy about my progress! I got everything I needed to get done by the time the rain started again, so it worked out perfect today. Just wish that horse would poo a little faster!
I made some new friends who brought me a bunch of cardboard to lay down under these beds. People are so awesome and helpful when you are farming! That's my other holdup- trying to get enough cardboard to lay under the beds to keep the weeds down. I go down about twice a week and rob all the local dumpsters of their cardboard... the only problem is that I can only reach down so far, so I find it hard to collect all I need.
Oh! The best thing is..... I sold another CSA share, and have a couple more people interested. I made up my contracts the other day, and mailed them out. It is super exciting! I have actually been getting responses from ads on Craigslist and UsedNanaimo, etc. Very cool, and very promising for the spring!
Happy New Year!
2 months ago
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